Building Strong Swimmers and Confident Kids

At the Y, we believe that swimming is a life skill. Because of our reach and long history with aquatic programs, the Y is in a unique position to help bridge the gap in the delivery of swim lessons and water safety education in the United States.

6 Week Sessions 1 day per week

4/12 - 5/17



Members: $31
Program Participants $55

Level 2: Water Movement
Kids focus on body position and control, directional change, and forward movement in the water and continue to practice how to safely exit in the event of falling into a body of water.

This class is for kids who aren’t yet able to do a front and back float on their own.

In this class, your child will:

  • Submerge to look at an object on the bottom of the pool
  • Front and back glide to the wall for 10 feet
  • Front and back float for 20 seconds
  • Roll from back to front and front to back
  • Jump, push, turn, grab
  • Swim, float, swim five yards
  • Tread water near the wall for 10 seconds
Max class size: 8
Saturdays: 10:00am - 10:30am
Mondays: 5:00pm-5:30pm
Held at Small Pool
Level 3: Water Stamina
Kids learn how to swim to safety from a longer distance than in previous stages. The class also introduces rhythmic breathing and integrated arm/leg action.

This class is for kids who aren’t yet able to swim 10-15 yards on their front and back.

In this class, your child will:

  • Retrieve an object in chest-deep water
  • Swim on their front and back for 15 yards
  • Roll from back to front and front to back
  • Jump, push, turn, grab 10 yards
  • Swim, float, swim 25 yards
  • Tread water for one minute
Max class size: 8
Saturdays 10:40am - 11:10am
Mondays:5:40pm - 6:10pm
Held at Small Pool
Level 4: Stroke Introduction
Kids learn the front crawl, back crawl, breaststroke kick, and butterfly kick.

This class is for kids who aren’t yet able to swim 15 yards of front and back crawl.

In this class, your child will:

  • Swim the front crawl for 15 yards
  • Breaststroke kick for 15 yards
  • Butterfly kick for 15 yards
  • Elementary backstroke for 15 yards
  • Dive from a sitting position
  • Tread water using a scissor and whip kick for one minute
  • Swim any combination of strokes for 25 yards
Max class size: 8
Saturdays: 11:20am - 11:50am
Held at Small Pool
Mondays: 6:20pm - 6:50pm
6 Week Sessions 1 day per week

4/12 - 5/17



Members: $31
Program Participants $55

Level A: Water Discovery
Infants and toddlers are introduced to the aquatic environment and encouraged to enjoy themselves while learning about the water. This class is for kids who aren’t yet able to respond to verbal cues and jump on land.

Parents must accompany the child in the water.

In this class, you’ll help your child:

  • Blow bubbles on the surface of the water
  • Move and float with their chin in the water
  • Move and float with their head on your shoulder
  • Roll from back to front and front to back
  • Grab the pool wall
  • Enter and exit the water
Saturdays: 10:00am - 10:30am
Mondays: 5:00pm - 5:30pm
Held at Small Pool
Level B: Water Exploration
You’ll work with your child to explore body positions, floating, blowing bubbles, and fundamental safety and aquatic skills. This class is for kids who aren’t yet comfortable working with an instructor without a parent in the water.

Parents must accompany the child in the water.

In this class, you’ll help your child:

  • Blow bubbles with nose and mouth submerged in the water
  • Move and float while blowing bubbles in the water
  • Move and float with their head on your chest
  • Roll from back to front and front to back
  • Monkey crawl along the pool wall
  • Enter and exit the water
Saturdays: 10:40am - 11:10am
Mondays: 5:40pm - 6:10pm
Held at Small Pool
Level 1: Water Acclimation
Kids develop comfort with underwater exploration and learn to safely exit in the event of falling into a body of water. This class is for kids who aren’t yet comfortable going underwater voluntarily.

In this class, your child will:

  • Bob to submerge in the water
  • Front and back glide to the wall for five feet with the help
  • Front and back float for 10 seconds with the help
  • Roll from back to front and front to back with the help
  • Jump, push, turn, grab with help
  • Swim, float, swim 10 feet with the help
Max class size: 8
Saturdays: 11:20am - 11:50am

Mondays: 6:20pm - 6:50Ppm
Held at Small Pool

Marion Family YMCA

645 Barks Road East
Marion, Ohio 43302
Monday – Thursday: 5:00am – 9:00pm
Friday: 5:00am – 7:00pm
Saturday: 8:00am – 4:00pm
Sunday: 1:00 – 5:00pm
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