June 5, 2020


In order to maintain social distancing requirements, members must make
a reservation for a spot in Group Exercise classes.

Reservations are open one week in advance. For example, if you take a Group Exercise
class and want to take the same class next week, you may register for next week
immediately after this week's class ends.

Each person needs their own reservation. If you're going to bring a child with you for
Open Gym, please either create a login for your child in the reservation system or call
the Y and we'll take that reservation over the phone.

If you make a reservation and then change your mind or otherwise can't attend, please
either cancel the reservation through the online system or call the Y to cancel. Please
don't just "no show" as this may prevent someone else from enjoying that time.

Group Exercise classes in person at the Y by reservation:
To make a reservation:
Go to https://groupexpro.com/schedule/873/?view=responsive

Find the class you would like to attend. There's a drop down menu at the top if
you want to only see one class type.
Click “Sign Up”
Your first time using the system you'll need to create a login: click “Create a
Login”, enter full name, email, password, confirm password and then click
When you are a returning user, enter login information (email and password) and click login.
Click “Reserve a Spot”.
You can sign up one week in advance.
Or, you can call the Y at 740-725-9622 and our Member Service Representative can
make a reservation for you.

Classes are set up for social distancing with floor markers to define each participant’s
space and reduction of class size to just nine participants. Class members will be
responsible for cleaning equipment used during class. We have individual spray bottles
and cleaning towels for each participant.
Please remember to bring your own exercise mat, sweat towel and water.

July Group Exercise Classes

August Group Exercise Classes

To make a reservation for In Person

Open Gym and Pickleball - No reservations needed 

Schedule Lap Pool, Family Swim or Small Pool Adult Water Exercise 

To make a reservation:

  • Go to https://groupexpro.com/schedule/873/?view=responsive
  • Find the time you would like to attend. There's a drop down menu at the top if you want to only see one open swim or Adult Independent type.
  • Click “Sign Up”
  • Your first time using the system you'll need to create a login: click “Create a Login”, enter full name, email, password, confirm password and then click “Register”.
  • When you are a returning user, enter login information (email and password) and click login.
  • Click “Reserve a Spot”.
  • You can sign up one week in advance.

Locker rooms :

  • We are removing the "youth" & "adult" designations of the locker rooms & will have male & female locker rooms for use by any age. This gives flexibility for social distancing, to close for cleaning, or to close if the space isn't needed.
  • Children age 6 & older must use their gender appropriate locker room or use the Special Needs locker room with a parent.
  • Members may use the locker rooms to change clothes, but the showers and lockers will remain closed.
  • No showers.
  • No lockers.
  • Must maintain 6 feet of distance from others.
  • Swimmers must bring their personal items with them onto the pool deck. We recommend that you get a small gym bag for your clothes and leave valuables at home. We also have a portable shower on the 8 Lane Pool deck for swimmers who choose to rinse off before or after swimming.

Marion Family YMCA

645 Barks Road East
Marion, Ohio 43302
Monday – Thursday: 5:00am – 9:00pm
Friday: 5:00am – 7:00pm
Saturday: 8:00am – 4:00pm
Sunday: 1:00 – 5:00pm
Click to visit MarionMade.org
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